Our Journey

The Starting Point

In 2019, the Integrated Care System spotted the opportunity offered by increased physical activity to improve population health, tackle health inequalities and reduce the burden on the NHS.

A system-wide strategy for Physical Activity for health and social care , All Together Active, was commissioned by the Integrated Care System Population Health Board, developed by Active Cheshire and MSP in conjunction with place-based and subregional partners – capable of improving physical activity levels at scale.

Research, engagement and strategic alignment

To develop firm foundations for the strategy, we set up a Physical Activity Board of relevant experts and stakeholders (both local and national). This included representatives from public health, primary care, secondary care, education, academia, the voluntary sector, the sport & leisure sector and more.

The Board guided us along a roadmap of key milestones that included:

  • Exploring local data
  • Mapping physical activity systems
  • Identifying opportunities for Place-based collaboration
We also commissioned academic research to establish the evidence base for what does and doesn’t work, linking with Place-based priorities.
Local engagement with organisations and with individuals facing health inequalities highlighted both the complexity of the task and a phenomenal appetite to get stuck in and make it happen.
Strategic Alignment

Nationally, All Together Active aligns with strategies such as the NHS Long Term Plan and Sport England’s 10-year Uniting the Movement strategy. Locally, All Together Active aligns with the four ICS strategic priorities and supports implementation of the Marmot Principles. There are also strong synergies with Place strategies and other local initiatives such as Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs), Health & Wellbeing Board Plans, Place-based Partnership Plans and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs).

In building the strategy, we have worked closely with both local and national organisations including Champs Public Health Collaborative and Sport England.

Core themes and opportunities emerging from our engagement

Engagement identified a number of themes and opportunities consistent across our Places, and these themes form the core of All Together Active. Each Place will lead on how this strategy is implemented in their area, aligning activities to local priorities, resources and building on the great work already happening.

Some themes may change over time, as needs evolve and we learn more. Nonetheless, the initial themes give the initial direction for work towards a whole-system approach.

Taking a Full Life Course Approach

The most effective way to reduce health inequalities is by taking a full life-course approach. The strategy therefore covers every life stage, prioritising the most vulnerable groups within each stage.

Start Well

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Live Well

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Age Well

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Building Active Environments

Building active environments will be essential for success.

In taking a system-wide approach to physical activity, All Together Active considers each of the following:

  • The settings that inactive people move through in their daily lives where we can have an influence.
  • How these environments impact on health, choices and behaviour.
  • How we can make it easy for inactive people to change behaviours and increase activity levels in these settings.

At Home

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Active Travel

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In the Community

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Work and Education

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Health & Social Care settings

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Key Common Opportunities

All Together Active will collaborate with each Place to consider how the key common opportunities emerging from engagement could be used to tackle local priorities.

Integrating physical activity into care pathways

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Encourage more inclusive access to walking

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Maintaining physical activity for healthy ageing

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Supporting mental health

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Tackling loneliness and social isolation

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Making It Happen

Get Involved

If your organisation would like to be involved in progressing the work at a local or a subregional level then get involved today!